faqs about executive coaching

Executive Coaching is a confidential, collaborative, intimate, highly individualized, non-linear process of exploration, inquiry, growth, learning, and development.

With Executive Coaching, Clients identify and understand those behaviors that contribute to their increased effectiveness, growth, and performance, as well as those that detract from them. Change occurs in a Client’s thoughts and behaviors; new perspectives and operating frameworks are created. Clients develop the skills, perspectives, and insights necessary to effectively deal with current and future professional and personal change and to make better decisions.

Executive Coaching helps create greater self-efficacy, authenticity, long-term excellent performance, self-correction, increased capacity, and greater competency. It is driven by the energy, goals, and willingness of an individual or team that desires to learn new skills and methods of operating.

Executive Coaching is not therapy or counseling, nor is it consulting or a best friend. It is not and does not confer legal or financial advice.

Executive coaches focus on developing strategic thinking skills, broadening emotional competencies, expanding coalitions and networks, and building organizational culture through living corporate values. An executive gains the greatest benefit from an executive coach if that executive becomes self-aware. Self-awareness suggests the executive’s willingness and ability to look at his or her strengths and liabilities and to seek help where there is a need to compensate for what is lacking. During the process of executive coaching, the executive comes to understand what they do best and also where they might benefit from coaching.